As we all know, Marvel is expanding its Cinematic Universe by adding more characters. Now it has released the trailer of its most awaited Disney Plus series “Moon Night” starring Oscar Isaac. This series is going to go on air from March 30, 2022. We hope this series will be a rollercoaster ride of thrill and emotion like other Marvel series.
The series is set to unravel the life story of Mark Spector, a former soldier who is battling a social identity disorder. In this series, we’ll take a different approach to Marvel’s character creation and story development. This series will not have any relation with any existing character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe i.e. MCU. It will be interesting to see how Marvel ties this new superhero to its existing cinematic universe.
Moon Knight Cast – Oscar Isaac, Hawke, and May Calamavi
Some have considered Moon Knight to be the DC Comics character Batman because most of the abilities and superpowers are intertwined. Now it will be interesting to see how Marvel differentiates its Moon Knight from DC Comics’ Batman. Much of the abilities of both characters depend on the gadgets they use when combating villains.
After the release of Moon Knight in March, Marvel is all set to release its new series She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel in the coming months. We’ll keep Marvel fans updated with the latest updates from Marvel Entertainment and the Marvel Cinematic Universe.