Covishield Certificate | Download COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate | Download Certificate | Download COVID-19 certificate using mobile number
To contain the rising outbreak of COVID-19 in our country, various measures have been taken by Central Government and state government. These measures include awareness among citizens about wearing of masks and social distancing, enforcement of lockdown and vaccination campaign etc. and all this work has been started for the safety of the citizens of the country. The vaccination campaign has been started by the central government in India from 16 January 2021. Till now many citizens of India have been vaccinated. So guys if you want to download Covishield Certificate Or you want to get all the information about it, then you have to read our article completely because today we have provided all the information related to it. Covishield Certificate in this article. [Also Read- UP COVID Lab Report: Corona (COVID-19) Test Report Download at labreports.upcovid19tracks]
covishield certificate download
After the central government introduces the vaccine to protect against the corona virus, Kovishield provides citizens with a certificate to prove that they have been vaccinated and which can be downloaded from the app or website. This certificate of the central government will help in keeping the record of those citizens who have been vaccinated and through this, citizens will also get protection from doing so and there are two types of certificates from the central government. One vaccine is given after the first dose and the other after both doses of the vaccine. All the details related to vaccination will be mentioned in this certificate by the government such as the name of the person to be vaccinated, date of receiving the first dose, date of receiving the last dose, vaccination, vaccination etc. [Also Read- UP COVID-19 Test Results Online: CORONA Test Lab Report at labreports.upcovid19tracks]
- This certificate is available online. So friends if you also want to download your Covishield CertificateSo you have to visit its official website and download it by following the procedure given below.
- It is mandatory to download after the hinge is installed by the central government Covishield Certificate Because it will serve as a document in many places.

List of Narendra Modi Schemes
Overview of Covishield Certificate
Name | Covishield Certificate |
year | 2022 |
launched by | Indian government |
beneficiaries | citizens of india |
registration process | online |
purpose | To provide vaccination certificate |
grade | central government scheme |
official website | |
purpose of COVID-19 covidshield certificate
We all citizens know that due to Coronavirus in our country citizens have to face many other problems, and to prevent this disease, the government has started Kovishield Vaccine. Now the central government will vaccinate every citizen of the country and a certificate will be given on the basis of the whole. The main purpose of giving this information through this article is to provide details of Covishield Certificate to all vaccinated individuals. This certificate will help in tracking the number of people who have been vaccinated. Apart from this, citizens will also be able to keep a record of their vaccination. This certificate is made available through the coin website and mobile app. [Also Read- Tamil Nadu COVID-19 Pass: Apply Online, TN E Pass Registration]
Benefits of Covishield Certificate
- With the help of this certificate, the government can keep a record of the citizens who have been vaccinated and these are two types of provisional certificates.
- One vaccine is given by the central government after the first dose and the second after the last dose of vaccine and in this certificate all the details related to the vaccine are written so that citizens can get all the information.
- below Covishield CertificateCitizens will get a lot of help and there is no need to go anywhere to get this letter, they all can download it from its official website or from the application sitting at home.
- Corona Vaccine has been started by the Central Government to prevent Corona Virus, Government of India provides the Kovishield certificate to all those who have been vaccinated by Kovishield Vaccine and will also get the data record by it.
- All citizens of the country who have got the hinges installed by the central government can download this certificate from the Sikka mobile app or website.
Covishield Certificate Download Process
- first you official website Why the coin? After that the home page of the website will open in front of you.

- On the homepage of the website you have to click on register/signature in. Now you have to enter your mobile number and click on Get OTP.

- After this you have to enter OTP in OTP box and click on Verify and proceed.
- After that, you need to click on the Certificate option under your name and your device will start downloading the certificate.
- Now you can download the certificate by following this procedure.
certificate verification process
- first you official website Why the coin? After that the home page of the website will open in front of you.
- On the homepage of the website you have to click on register/signature in. After that, you need to enter the login credentials and click on Verify and Proceed.
- After this you have to click on Platforms and click on verify certificate,

- Now you have to click on Scan QR Code and a notification will pop up prompting you to activate your device camera.
- After that, you need to point the camera at the QR code on the certificate.
- On successful verification all the details of the applicant will be displayed and if the certificate is not genuine then the certificate will be displayed as invalid.
Procedure to view vaccination statistics details
- first you official website Why the coin? After that the home page of the website will open in front of you.
- On the homepage of the website, you have to click on Platforms. After that you have to click on vaccination statistics,

- anymore. A new page will open in front of you and on this page you have to select your state and district.
- After that the statistics details will open in front of you.
Procedure to find vaccination center
- first you official website Why the coin? After that the home page of the website will open in front of you.
- On the homepage of the website, you have to click on Vaccination Services. click now Find Vaccination Centers,

- After that, you have to enter your PIN or District or Map and click on Search button.
- After this the details of the vaccination center will open in front of you.
Certificate correction process
- first you official website Why the coin? After that the home page of the website will open in front of you.
- On the homepage you have to click on Support. After that, you need to sign in by entering the login credentials.
- After this, under the support section, you have to select certificate correction, After that a new page will open in front of you.

- On this new page you have to select your issue of correction in certificate with respect to Name, Age, Gender, Photo ID.
- Now you have to select the number and click on View Certificate.
- After that your certificate details will open in front of you. Now you can change the information by clicking on Change.
- After that you have to click on Continue.
Procedure to book vaccination slot
- first you have to go in official website Why a cow? Now the home page of the website will open in front of you.
- On the homepage you have to click on register/signature In the option given on the homepage. Now you have to enter the details of your login credentials.

- After the beneficiary has entered the login credential details carefully, you have to click on the login option. Now a new page will open in front of you.
- After this you have to click on the vaccination services option on this new page. Now you have to click on the option of Book Vaccination Slot.
- Now a new page will open on your screen. After this, after entering all the necessary information asked on this page, click on the option of Book Slot.
How to manage appointments?
- first you have to go in official website Why a cow? Now the home page of the website will open in front of you.
- On the homepage you have to click on register/signature In the option given on the homepage. Now you have to enter the details of your login credentials.

- After carefully entering the login credential details by the applicant, you have to click on the login option.
- After this you have to click on the option of Immunization Services. Now you have to click on the option of Manage Appointment.
- Now a new page will open on your screen. After that you have to enter all the necessary information asked on this page.
- After that you have to click on submit option, by doing this you can manage the appointment.
process of raising an issue
- first you have to go in official website Why a cow? Now the home page of the website will open in front of you.
- On the homepage you have to click on register/signature In the option given on the homepage. Now you have to enter the details of your login credentials and click on the login option.

- After this, you have to click on the option of Raise an issue. Now a new page will open on your screen.
- Now you have to select your problem on this new page. Next, you have to enter all the required details and click on submit option.
Dashboard viewing process
- first you have to go in official website Why a cow? Now the home page of the website will open in front of you.
- After that you have to click on register/signature In the option given on the homepage. Now you have to enter the details of your login credentials and click on the login option.

- Now you have to click on Dashboard option. After this a new page will be displayed on your screen, where you can see the dashboard.
How to register a member?
- first you have to go in official website Why a cow? Now the home page of the website will open in front of you.
- After that you have to click on register/signature In the option given on the homepage. Now you have to enter the details of your login credentials and click on the login option.

- After this you have to click on the option of Immunization Services. Now you have to click on the option of Registered Member.
- Now a new page will open in front of you. After that you have to enter all the required details asked on this new page.
- After this you have to click on the option of Register Member. Now you can register members.
department login process
- first you have to go in official website Why a cow? Now the home page of the website will open in front of you.
- After that you have to click on register/signature In the option given on the homepage. Now you have to enter the details of your login credentials and click on the login option.

- After this you have to click on the option of Platforms. Now you have to click on department login option.
- Now the login page will be displayed in front of you. After this, you will have to enter all the necessary information asked on this page, such as:- Mobile number and password details.
- After that you have to click on login option. Now you can do departmental login.
contact information
- Helpline- +911123978046
- Toll Free – 1075
- Technical Helpline- 01204473222