जेम्स वेब टेलीस्कोप का कमाल! सौर मंडल के बाहर ‘एक्सोप्लैनेट’ की पहली तस्‍वीर खींची, आप भी देखिए

The ‘James Webb Space Telescope’ (James Webb Space Telescope) started its work in space, it has started from space in space. This time anyone in the solar system has permanently. Telesco took down a picture of a soapnet. Such planets which are similar in seasons to the Sun are called As in Space Transpose Transposer, it converts from a picture to a direct image of an exoplanet. Shared on social media. The exoplanets are placed in separate bands in the image.

I have also said that every photo is different. That’s right, whatever is appropriate for this article. He said without hesitation that a special material (coronograph) of the equipment for defense has been completed. It implements a SOAPNET. The smaller one in the Airak image, will get the constellation of a sopnet, which will be spectacular.

The image has a webcam which is of Nircam. This is an eggplant with an eggplant bar. These Points or People web groups have prepared. NIRCam also has a view in photography. This time in this color. The bug image is MIRI view, which is orange in color and the movie is not available. MIRI has been changed to color. Image that it is a soap net ‘HIP 65426B’.

нкан олн олн олн олн олн олн олн олн олн ои ️Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter ️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ . Its exoplanet’s witch is more powerful. HIP 65426 BEOT There is 10,000 dense blur between these two.

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