ICAR IARI Technician Result 2022 Check Technician T-1 Merit List, Cut Off Marks

Download ICAR IARI Technician Result 2022 IARI Technician T-1 Merit List, Cut Off Marks at iari.res.in.

Indian Agricultural Research Institute Held the exam for Technician T-1 Posts in New Delhi. Candidates came from every corner of India to take part in the exam. In the months of February and March, there were thousands of people who tried to get Technician T-1 certification. The trial started on 28 February and continued till the month of March.

This ICAR IARI Technician Result 2022 Will be made public on the official website associated with the exam. Candidates are able to monitor the status of their application by entering the registration number given to them. If you are also interested to know the result of ICAR IARI Technician T1 Exam 2022Bookmark this page so that you can be notified as soon as the result is officially announced.

All the people who have appeared in the ICAR Technician Exams are now eagerly waiting to hear the result of their efforts. The officials of ICAR IARI have already posted the answer keys of Technician T-1 examinations on their website which can be accessed at iari.res.in. The tests were conducted earlier this month. Candidates can verify their answers by downloading the ICAR Technician Answer Key from the website of ICAR.

IARI Technician Result 2022

ICAR IARI Technician Result

Name of Examination Authority Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
recruiting authority Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI)
post name Technician T-1
Number of posts 641
exam date 28 February, 2, 4 and 5 March 2022
result date will be announced soon
grade Result
official website iari.res.in

The Computer Based Test (CBT) was conducted by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) to fill up 641 posts available for Technicians. For which a lot of people had applied till the given time limit. After that, the institute carried out the written computer-based test, and now the applicants who appeared in the CBT can get IARI Technician Result 2022 Online by visiting the official website of the department iari.res.in.

ICAR IARI Technician Cut Off Marks 2022

category wise ICAR IARI Cut Off 2022 will be made available on this page with the publication of ICAR IARI T1 Result 2022, A candidate must obtain a certain minimum number of passing marks in order to be considered eligible for the following stage of the examination process. This is known as the cut-off.

The examination authorities determine the final cut-off marks for the exam by considering a variety of different variables, such as the degree of difficulty of the exam, the number of posts available, the number of applicants who appeared for the exam, etc.

IARI Technician T-1 Merit List 2022

Indian Agricultural Research Institute ICAR IARI T-1 Merit List 2022 Always compiled keeping in mind the category of the candidate. This is since the list was first created. The names of such applicants are included in the IARI merit list purely on the basis of the written score obtained by them and the post for which they were selected.

Technician Result 2022. steps to download

  • To begin with, all of you need to visit the official website to check online result for 641 available vacancies which can be viewed at iari.res.in.
  • After that, the user will be shown the homepage of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI).
  • When you get there, select the option labeled Announcements > Contractual Work > Results and then, select the link labeled View Results.
  • Now you will be redirected to the page which displays your results ICAR IARI Technician CBT 2022 Exam,
  • When you go to that page, look for a subject titled “Technician (T-1)” for which you appeared in the computer based test on 28th, 2nd, 4th, and 5th March 2022, and when you get that If you go, click button labeled “view”
  • IARI Technician T1 Exam 2022 Result. ,
  • Now, check ICAR IARI Technician (T-1) Merit List 2022 To check whether your name and roll number or application number are included there or not.
  • after that check your status ICAR IARI Technician Result 2022 Be sure to preserve the results for longer application, and possible future use.
official website iari.res.in
result page check here
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