UKPSC Upper PCS Admit Card 2022 Uttarakhand Upper PCS Prelims Exam Date, Paper Pattern & Syllabus – The Uttarakhand Public Service Commission is going to conduct a written examination for the Combined State Civil / Higher Subordinate Services Examination 2021. Applicants can download their UKPSC Upper PCS Admit Card 2022 From the official web portal of the commission. Candidates will get the document at least one week before the exam date. As of now, the board has not published any schedule for Upper PCS Prelims Exam.
UKPSC Upper PCS Admit Card 2022 Exam Details
Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) is the main recruitment authority in the state of Uttarakhand and it is responsible for all civil services examinations in the state. Now the board is going to conduct the Combined State Civil / Higher Subordinate Services Examination 2021 for the candidates who have submitted the online application for the same. The Board has invited online applications for 227 vacancies in various departments in August 2021 at Advt No. A-1/E-1/PCS-2021/2021-22 Issued. Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in Preliminary Examination, Main Examination and Interview to be conducted by the Board on various dates.
Name of Examination Authority | Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) |
Test Name | Combined State Civil / Higher Subordinate Services Exam 2021 |
designation | various posts |
exam date | not yet announced |
UKPSC Upper PCS Admit Card 2022 | 15 days before exam date |
application received in | August 2021 |
official website | |

UKPSC Upper PCS Exam Date 2022
After applying online for any exam candidates immediately start looking for the exam date of that exam. So in the same way candidates are trying to find out what can be possible UKPSC Upper PCS Exam Date 2022, As of now, we can assume that the board may conduct the written exam in February or March 2022. The board has not released any official schedule for Preliminary Exam or Main Exam.
The board has submitted a huge number of candidates applications to appear in the written examination. Now it will filter them for suitability and validity of the application form. All those candidates who have submitted invalid online application form will not be included in the examination process.
Uttarakhand Upper PCS Vacancy Details
post name | Number of posts |
10 | |
18 | |
Assistant Divisional Transport Officer (ADTO) |
1 1 |
Assistant Director, Industries |
17 |
District Supply Officer (Food, Civil Supplies) |
04 |
Sub-Divisional Marketing Officer (SDMO) |
03 |
Block Development Officer (BDO) |
28 |
Assistant Registrar, Sugarcane, and Sugar |
07 |
Assistant Labor Commissioner (ALC) |
02 |
Assistant Director, Factory / Boiler |
04 |
Assistant Cane Commissioner (ACC) |
01 |
Deputy Education Officer (DEO) |
31 |
Assistant Director Fisheries (ADF) |
03 |
Assistant Director Sanskrit Education (ADSE) |
04 |
District Tourism Development Officer (DTDO) |
01 |
Publicity Officer Tourism (POT) |
01 |
Assistant Director Agriculture (Development Branch) |
03 |
Assistant Director Statistics (ADS) |
01 |
Assistant Director Agriculture (Engineering Branch) – ADA |
01 |
Assistant Director Chemicals (Chemical Branch)-ADC |
02 |
Assistant Director Horticulture (ADH) |
02 |
Food Processing Officer (FPO) |
03 |
Horticulture Development Officer (HDO) |
20 |
Plant Protection Officer (PPO) |
03 |
Mushroom Development Officer (MDO) |
02 |
Assistant Directory of Chemicals (ADC) |
01 |
Assistant Director Botton (ADB) |
04 |
01 | |
12 | |
Transport Tax Officer (TTO) |
05 |
Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) |
19 |
UKPSC Upper PCS Selection Process
Many of the candidates who have not read the official notification carefully get confused about the paper pattern, exam scheme and selection process of the exam. So here in this section candidates will get all the details that what will be included UKPSC Upper PCS Exam Scheme & Selection Process, Mainly candidates will be called for Preliminary Exam, Main Exam and Interview by the Commission. If you are opting for police job then the candidate can have physical test. So you have to keep these things in mind.
- preliminary test
- main exam
- Personality Test (Interview)
UKPSC Upper PCS Preliminary Exam Details
As of now, candidates only need to know about the preliminary exam. If they clear the prelims exam then they have to appear in the main exam. After the conduction of prelims test candidates will get main exam syllabus. So till now please check and prepare according to the exam pattern and syllabus UKPSC Upper PCS Preliminary Exam Paper Pattern,
In the Preliminary Examination, the test will consist of two papers. The first paper of the exam will be counted for result preparation and the second paper will be of qualifying nature and you have to score 33% marks in each section of the question paper.
Subject | questions | scar |
general Studies | 150 | 150 |
general aptitude test | 100 | 150 |
gross | 250 | 300 |
UKPSC Upper PCS Admit Card 2022 Important Details
All the candidates should be aware of the correct use case UKPSC Upper PCS Admit Card 2022, According to the examination authority, the admit card is not a proof of permanent candidature if it finds that you are involved in some suspicious activities which are against the policies of the commission. Applicants will get the admit card if they have submitted a valid online application form and other details in the form. The board will not allow any applicant inside the examination center without proper documents.
as we discussed earlier Uttarakhand Upper PCS Admit Card 2022 It is the most important document to appear in the exam. Because it contains the information like name and address of the examination, name and address of the candidate, name and address of the examination center, name and address of the examination authority. Without this paper, candidates will not be able to appear in the exam properly and the board will also face problems.
Steps to Download UKPSC Upper PCS Admit Card 2022
- Visit the official website of UKPSC at
- After that go to the admit card section of the website.
- Candidates will also get a direct link on this webpage once it is released by the board.
- Now check in the admit card section Uttarakhand Upper PCS Admit Card 2022,
- Then click on that link and enter the details of the candidate.
- Then the website will show you the relevant documents.
- Now download and take a printout of the file.