GPSC AMVI Result 2022 Gujarat AMVI Merit List Cut Off Marks – Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has organized a written examination for the post of Assistant Inspector of Motor Vehicles Class 3 on 25 July 2021. Still, the candidates are waiting for its publication. GPSC AMVI Result 2022 by the commission. As per the reports received from the examination authority the board will soon publish the exam result on its official website. Candidates will get the detailed exam merit list and cut-off marks details for the written test.
GPSC AMVI Result 2022
Gujarat Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Written Exam was held in July 2021 and candidates are still waiting for the publication of its exam result. They are excited after appearing in the main written exam Gujarat AMVI Preliminary Exam Result 2022, The candidates will get the result of the examinations on the official communication medium of the commission. Candidates are advised to visit our website to read latest updates on result and other recruitment events.
Exam Organization Name | Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) |
post name | Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector (AMVI) |
Department Name | Regional Transport Office (RTO), Gujarat |
Number of Vacancies | 93 |
exam date | July 2021 |
GPSC AMVI Result 2022 | going to be published |
job location | Gujarat |
official website | |

How to Download GPSC AMVI Result 2022
after the publication of GPSC AMVI Result, Merit List, Cut Off Marks & Selection List Why exam? Candidates will be able to check their status in the examination from their homes on the official website of the commission. Candidates will only need their roll number to view the exam result. As the board will publish the roll numbers of qualified candidates only.
- Visit the official website of GPSC
- On this website the board has given a separate section for the result.
- go to this section and search Gujarat AMVI Result 2022,
- Then download the PDF file on your device and open that file.
- After opening that file search your roll number.
- If your roll number is present in the selection list then you are eligible for the next stage of recruitment.