DSSSB Patwari Result 2022 Delhi Patwari Post Code 48/21 Cut Off Marks, Merit List

DSSSB Patwari Result 2022. Delhi Patwari Cut-Off Marks. Delhi SSSB Patwari Post-code 48/21 Result & Final Selection List at dsssb.delhi.gov.in.

According to the information that has come out recently Delhi Subordinate Services Selection BoardThe DSSSB Patwari Result 2022 is about to be made public. It is now possible for all the applicants who have appeared in the written examination to know about the marks obtained in the examination.

After that, they will be able to know more about the subsequent steps to be taken in the recruitment process to be done by the concerned department.

Therefore it is important that you review every information published by the department on recruitment. The department has now provided the officially accepted notification regarding the post code 48/21 with the help of advertisement number 02/21.

Thereafter, on 21 August 2022, the written examination was effectively planned and completed without any incident. In view of this, the department has now made the exam entrance ticket available to the public.

DSSSB Patwari Result 2022

Delhi Patwari Result

Recruitment Name Patwari
name of exam organizer DSSSB
Mode of Examination Computer Based Test / Online
job location recruitment exam
exam date August 20, August 21, September 17-18
DSSSB Patwari Result status
to be released
official website dsssb.delhi.gov.in

DSSSB Patwari Merit List 2022

Right now, the department is getting ready to announce the Delhi 48/21 Merit List 2022. Because the merit list shows where the applicants stand as compared to the other candidates who took the written test, it is clear that they have been successful.

That is why today we have come to offer you our assistance with the provision of all relevant information. The board has arranged to give computer based test as part of the written test and this exam will be conducted through internet.

Delhi Patwari Cut-Off Marks 2022

despite the fact that DSSSB Patwari Cut-Off Marks 2022 is only used to inform the applicants about the requirements required to take the exam, mainly due to the fact that the score given in the cut-off list is based on the categories available in the recruitment.

As a result of this, the candidates who obtain marks equal to or more than the cut-off marks prescribed for their respective categories are qualified for this written test. However, if the marks scored by them is less than the minimum number of marks specified in the cut-off, they do not qualify for the written test.

Hence, they must give priority to ensure that they take the exam and clear it with the minimum marks required to qualify for the exam. However, after the announcement of DSSSB Patwari Result 2022 Online, we will also share information about the score with you.

What specifications can you look forward to reading up on? Also, it is essential for you to have a solid understanding of the factors that go into determining the final cut-off list for the recruitment process.

Steps to Download Delhi Patwari Result 2022

  • Please visit the official online portal of DSSSB.
  • Check the section of the article titled Most Recent Information and News.
  • Follow this link to see Delhi Patwari 48/21 Result,
  • Download the answer key in the format which is currently accessible.
  • You should take it out for the exam date and post the name which suits you.
  • Finally, make sure that you have checked your result carefully and then proceed with the next steps.

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