TS EdCET Hall Ticket 2022 Telangana B.Ed Entrance Test Exam Date

TS B.Ed EdCET Hall Ticket 2022 Check Telangana Ed.CET Bed Entrance Exam Date at edcet.tsche.ac.in.

On behalf of TSCHE, Osmania University will be in charge of conducting the B.Ed entrance exam in the month of July. The exam will be conducted as a computer-based test on July 26 and 27 and will take place on both days. It is estimated that around 3 lakh people will appear in the exam.

The Texas State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE), as it does annually, will provide admission to B.Ed programs offered by state institutions. Students aspiring to work as teachers in the state need to have a Bachelor of Education degree, and the admission is given purely on the basis of the students’ overall performance in the entrance exam.

The University will conduct the examination in Hyderabad as well as in all other main examination centers located across the state.

As the university is not sending any printed copy of the admit card to the students, applicants need to go online to get their admit card. TS EdCET Exam Hall Ticket, Hence, candidates can use the websites given below to download and print their hall ticket.

Telangana EdCET Bed Hall Ticket 2022

Telangana EdCET Bed Hall Ticket

testing Telangana EdCET
examination board TSCHE
Exam Type entrance examinations
exam venue Telangana
exam date 26, 27 July 2022
TS EdCET Hall Ticket to be released
official website edcet.tsche.ac.in

TS EdCET Paper Pattern

The test for common admission requirement will be of objective type with multiple choice questions. Within the allotted time, applicants will have to answer a total of 150 questions.

The merit list will determine which students will be accepted into the desired educational institutions. Applicants are required to check in at the designated institute as per the timetable supplied by TSCHE.

subjects number of questions
Related Subjects (Maths, Science, SST) 60 (20 questions from each subject)
teaching qualification 20
general English 20
Common Sense 30
computer awareness 20

Telangana B.Ed Admission EdCET Hall Ticket Important Updates

TSCHE will give a link to the applicants to get the hall ticket from its official website. The postal addresses of the applicants will not be included on the hall ticket or admit card which the board will issue to them through post.

As a result, they have to download and print their respective hall tickets online. To participate in the exam, you must have a photo identity card in addition to the admit card.

TS EdCET Hall Ticket 2022. Download Instructions

Candidates can use the URL given below to get their hall ticket for Telangana B.Ed Entrance Test (Ed.CET 2022). The experts have also prepared a comprehensive roadmap for the readers to follow.

  • To begin, visit the official website, which can be accessed at edcet.tsche.ac.in.
  • Then select the Hall Ticket option which is located at the bottom of the Application tab.
  • Please enter your registration number, your password or your date of birth.
  • To sign in, use the login option.
  • Your TS EdCET Hall Ticket You will be shown on the screen when ready.
  • Simply save a copy to your computer, then print it out.

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