It looks like Drake has signed on to ban Pretend Drake from the Houston health club.
Pretend Drake was seen having a lot of fun in the headlines. OVO boss doppelganger was reportedly kicked out of Houston’s membership over the weekend, although he claims he was there to advertise Drake’s new album, Honestly, Nevermind.
The incident is said to have taken place on Sunday, June 19, and promoter and membership owner Chris Chaser published his side of the story on Instagram Tells. He demonstrates in a video that he definitely booted Pretend Drake, often known as Izzy Drake, out of his Stripe membership, Area 29, in Houston, Texas.
Drake Cosigns
He is clearly annoyed in the video that Pretend Drake, whose real name is Easy Drake, is at his establishment.
“It’s unimaginable for Pretend Drake to be in Area 29.” Pretend Drake is not allowed here; He has to go away!” she can be heard saying.
The membership owner then enlists the help of a mentor to report him, pleading with him to “get his ass out of here right”. He also mentions that Drake is his ally and one of all his closest allies, which is why he doesn’t need anything to do with Izzy.
After that, Pretend Drake took to Instagram Dwell to explain his side of the story. According to him, the whole affair was created to help promote Drake’s latest studio album. During IG Dwell he also revealed that he and Chris had agreed to create a hypothetical situation to help promote the file.
He even said that there was a real Drake in it. He said a blog post on DJ Academics’ Instagram page regarding the viral video, which Drake liked, was a confirmation of this.
Izzy Drake also claimed that doing a membership walk-in could earn him up to $10,000, the latter not thinking of dropping out of membership.
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