A Texas man is in legal trouble after scaring “babies” from Walmart customers during an aggressive outside shopping trip, according to police.
Texarkana police accused Jerry Toney of approaching people in the parking lot of a mega store with a cap on the front of his pants as he shouted “there’s no point”.
“Obviously his very strange behavior was intimidating among the people he was running at,” The police department said in a Facebook post on Friday About the incident of 7 October.
Officers noted that he never actually took the hat off his pants to directly threaten anyone during his alleged antics.
Two police officers traced the 25-year-old suspect as he was jumping back into a black Dodge pickup that had actually been reported stolen in Texas County, about 100 miles away, police said.
He removed an ax and a stick from his pants before taking him into custody, officials said. The police alleged that he claimed that he needed both the items for security.
This is the second instance where police responded to a report of a man doing wrongdoing in the area – the first at a nearby movie theater, but the man left before police arrived, according to officials.
Police said Tony matched the description of the man who was also reported to the movie theater.
Tony, a local, was charged with unauthorized use of a vehicle and was held on $50,000 bail in a bi-state prison, where he remained until Friday.