Secretary of State appoints Nigel Wilkinson MBE as a VisitEngland Advisory Board Member

Nigel Wilkinson has been appointed MBE Visit of England Advisory Board by Secretary of State for a term of five years.

Nigel Wilkinson MBE

The appointment will be for a period of five years, which will be 11. will start from august 2022 and ends on 10 August 2027.

Nigel, a graduate engineer and chartered accountant, has been the Managing Director of Windermere Lake Cruises Ltd., Cumbria’s most popular tourist attraction, since 2004.

He is also the managing director of Vinander Leisure Limited, Vinander Group Holdings Limited, Lakeland Motor Museum Limited and the Yorkshire-based real estate firm Rushbond plc.

From 2007 to 2017, he served as director of the county’s destination management organization, Cumbria Tourism (CT), and chaired the committee in charge of managing CT’s finances.

Nigel joined the board of the Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership (CLEP) in 2017, and now leads the Visitor Economy Sector Panel and the Finance, Audit and Resources Committee.

Additionally, Nigel represents CLEP in the Lake District National Park Partnership. At the end of the year 2020, Nigel was named to the Tourism Industry Council, a partnership between the government and the tourism industry focused on growing the tourism sector in terms of employment, transportation and regulation.

In 2021, Nigel was appointed as the Trustee/Director of the South Cumbria River Trust, a charity whose primary mission is to monitor, conserve, protect and, when necessary, the biodiversity of lakes, rivers and streams. rehabilitation and improvement. South Cumbria and surrounding coastal waters for the benefit of the public.

Nigel was awarded a Member of the Most Outstanding Order of the British Empire (MBE) in the Queen’s Birthday 2022 Honors List for services to tourism and the economy in Cumbria. In July 2022, he was awarded an Honorary Fellow of the University of Cumbria.

Remuneration and Governance Code

The appointment was made in accordance with the Governance Code for Public Appointments to the Cabinet Office. The Public Appointments Commissioner conducts the process.

Nigel will receive an annual remuneration of £3,300. The government’s code of governance provides that any significant political action taken by an appointee during the last five years must be disclosed.

It has been described as holding office, giving a public address, making a recordable charity, or running for office.

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